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School Site Council (SSC)

About School SIte Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is a state mandated, elected group of parents, teachers, and school employees that works with the p

rincipal to develop, review, and evaluate school improvement programs at the school.


Questions that we ask in carrying out our responsibilities include:

  • What are the goals and priorities of our school?
  • What data do we have that shows how well we are achieving the school goals?
  • What new programs should be implemented to achieve these goals and how will we know if our new programs are effective?
  • Are there particular groups of students who are not doing as well as others, what supports could we put in place to help these students and how will we fund those supports?
  • Do we have programs that are ineffective or unrelated to the goals and is it possible to eliminate those programs?

Through discussion and by answering these questions, the SSC carries out its specific duties and responsibilities which include:

  • Developing and approving the School Plan (“Single Plan for Student Achievement”) and budgeting the related expenditures in accordance with all state and federal laws and regulations. A key part of this is to obtain recommendations from all school advisory committees.
  • Recommending the approved Plan and expenditures to the PUSD Board of Education for approval.
  • Providing ongoing review of the implementation of the Plan with the principal, teachers and other school staff members and periodically, and at least annually, evaluating the progress made toward school goals to raise the academic achievement of all students.
  • Conducting discussions with staff and teachers on various issues that arise from time to time.

All parents are welcome to attend SSC meetings which are generally held the second Tuesday of the month in the multipurpose room, 8:00-8:45am. Please check school fliers, emails, and calendar for details.