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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

About PTA


The Hamilton PTA is a volunteer group of parents and teachers, led by an elected board. 


Our mission as parents and teachers is to partner together to provide a thriving academic environment and enrichment programs for all kids and to promote a strong Hamilton community.

The PTA goals are:

  • build a healthy and nurturing school community;
  • cultivate a collaborative environment through effective communication;
  • enhance academic and enrichment programs; and
  • support classrooms through room parents and a volunteer network.

The PTA serves four primary roles:

  1. Volunteer coordination
  2. Social/Community-building 
  3. Fostering communication within the Hamilton community
  4. Fundraising (to support our mission and goals)

Some of the events and programs made possible by your PTA membership include:

Summer Kindergarten Play Date * Back to School Meet and Greet * Boo-Hoo/Woo-Hoo Breakfast * Scholastic Book Fair * Kindergarten Orientation* Disaster Preparedness * PTA Association Meetings * Blue Slip Prizes* School Gift * Arts Programs * SMArt Night Support * Assemblies * Family Dance * Spirit Week * Library Support * Reflections Art Competition * Class Field Trips * 5th Grade Graduation * Science Fair Support * Teacher/Staff Appreciation * Teacher Discretionary Funds * Uniform Sales * Room Parent Program * Carnival * After School Enrichment Program * Middle School Event * Cultural Fair * Guest Speakers * Volunteer Training * Red Ribbon Week * Read Across America Week * Yearbook * School Website Support

Your PTA membership and participation throughout the year help our school tremendously. 

The PTA Membership meets the second Friday of every month, after the assembly, in the auditorium.  
The PTA Board meets the 4th Friday of each month, after the assembly, in the auditorium. (This is a closed meeting.)
We look forward to meeting you!

Questions? Email