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Passive Fundraisers


Earn Money for Hamilton Banner




Ralphs logo


Register your RALPHS card. Go to and create an account. Then login and go into Account Settings.  Under “Community Rewards,” enter our school. Group no. is 91757 (or you can search for “Alexander Hamilton”).


box top logo


Box Tops for Education 

When you see Box Tops on many of your favorite items (cereal, snacks, etc.), bring them in! Each Box Top collected earns Hamilton $.10/each! View Informational Sheet


escrip logo


Participating merchants (including Vons, restaurants, etc.) will donate money to Hamilton for your patronage. Simply register your cards. More info




office depot logo


give back
Simply make a purchase of qualifying school supplies, provide school ID 70012224 at the checkout (or the cashier can do a lookup in case you forget) and Hamilton will receive 5% back in credits for FREE supplies!

It's a small act that can make a huge difference. More info. 


gift cards


 Order gift cards online at and make sure to use our registration code LLLC446E23263 to give credit to our school.